Importance and Requirements of Nutrition for Sports Persons

What and when to eat to meet the nutritional goals of sports nutrition:

Nutrition before the event:  Approximate requirement before training and competition – 300 – 350 calories, to provide energy to meet the demands of the sport. This can be done by consuming a high carbohydrate meal.

It is best to take liquid meal substitutes (i.e. Boost and Ensure) if your stomach is unable to handle solid foods pre-exercise and competition. It is best to avoid high-fiber, high fat and highly sugary foods as these can cause intestinal discomfort; not try any new foods the day before a competition and stay well hydrated .

Meal Timing – Allow three to five hours before competition or exercise for a large meal to digest, two to three hours for a smaller meal, and one to two hours for a snack. Examples of the foods that can be consumed are a small meal, non-fried snacks, bananas, cereals, dry fruits, smoothies, etc.

Nutrition before the event: A small, high-carbohydrate snack – 200-300 calorie and adequate fluid  – sports drinks and water. The main focus is to remain well hydrated and not feel hungry, still leave the gastrointestinal tract empty during the event. Examples are oatmeal cookies, fruits, low fat yogurt/fruit smoothies, low fat pudding, dry fruits, sports drinks, etc.

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