Meet the 9 Important Minerals of Your Body


It is the most essential mineral for strong bones and teeth. It also helps in controlling blood pressure levels, promotes a keeps normal heartbeat. A normal level of calcium in the body over life time can help prevent osteoporosis.

Requirement per day 1000-1200 mg for healthy adult.
Source of ca: Milk and it’s products, Cereals, Ragi, green leafy vegetables, lotus stem.


Unlike table salt in which iodine is often added during processing, mineral salt naturally contains iodine. It is the vital component of hormone produced by thyroid gland. Not only does iodine protect your thyroid from free radical damage, it also improves your metabolism and cognitive abilities.

Requirement per day 150 mcg for healthy adult.
Source of Iodine: plants assimilate iodine from soil and thus form the rich sources such as jowar, finger millet, cabbage cauliflower, mustard seeds.


It aids the production of haemoglobin and red blood cells in your body. It’s deficiency causes anemia, also prevents fatigue, ensures proper flow of oxygen through your body and facilitates muscles to store it efficiently in turn allowing them to stay strong and flexible.

Requirement per day for male 17 mg and 21 mg for female.
Source of Iron: gur (jaggery), green leafy vegetables, beetroot, lotus stem(kamal kakadai), strawberries


It performs 600 functions! Some of its important functions include giving energy to the body, detoxifying it and regulating its temperature. Magnesium deficiency is mostly seen in certain malabsorption syndrome such as IBD, PEM etc. but with normal diet pattern one can easily get enough magnesium.

Requirement per day 5.7 mg/kg/d for both men and women.
Source of magnesium: Legumes, cereals and other plant source.


It is the second most required mineral by your body. Phosphorus and calcium are considered together as their function and requirement are closely related. It aids cellular growth, reproduction, absorption of nutrients and protein formation. It is also important in the production and regulation of hormones.

Requirement per day for healthy adults 600 mg but increases to 1200 mg during pregnancy.
Source of phosphorus: beans, lentils, nuts, milk and it’s product, meat


Consumption of excess sodium can lead to certain problems such as high blood pressure and cardiovascular diseases, but is beneficial when consumed in small amounts. It regulates your body’s pH along with maintaining optimal fluid levels. It aids brain and muscle function and assists glucose absorption as well.

Requirement per day 1.1-3.3 gm for healthy adult.
Source of sodium: through salt in the form of sodium chloride, and other dark leafy vegetables, other fortified products.


Approximately about 80 mg of Cu is mainly stored in liver followed by brain and muscle. It is crucial for healthy functioning of the heart’s muscles as well as brain development. Additionally, it is essential for maintaining good health amongst pregnant women and aids growth in newborns and children.

Requirement per day is 2 mg/d.
Source of Cu: oilseeds such as sesame, sunflower and nuts, legume seeds.


Not only does zinc help heal wounds. But it also acts as an anti-aging tool within your body and maintains hormonal balance. Additionally, It is necessary to reduce childhood illness, growth. It helps in preventing heart disorders, improves your sense of taste and smell and builds memory. It keeps your vision sharp, boosts your body’s immunity and treats skin problems such as acne and eczema.

Requirement per day is 9.4 mg/d in male and 6.5 mg/d in female.
Source of zinc: milk, nuts, fish, all grain contain Zn but it is lost on milling.


Potassium content decreases with age and adiposity. It maintains the acid- base balance in the body and helps in controlling and reducing the risk of hypertension, high blood pressure, stroke, and kidney diseases. It also eases cholesterol, stress and anxiety; maintain fluid levels in the body; and boosts brain function, muscle strength and metabolism.

Requirement per day is 4700 mg for adult.
Source of Potassium: banana, coconut water, lemon, dark leafy vegetables.


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