Foods That Help Or Hurt During Menstrual Cramps

Some amount of pain and cramps are normal during mestruation, but with some women the cramps are beyond tolerance. If you are about to reach for those over-the-counter pain killers, STOP! plz read this article and see the foods and natural remedies given here may be helpful to reduce pain and cramps. These natural foods with help to remove the root causes and also do not ahve any side effects.

Let’s therefore, first of all learn about the causes that lead to cramping and pain during menstruation.


  1. Cell lining inside the uterus breaks down, this causes release of a hormone called prostaglandins and these produce an inflammatory response. These also constrict the blood vessels and muscles in the uterus to contract.
  2. Inflammation
  3. Water retention
  4. Bloating
  5. Lack of iron, ca, vitamin D

Nutrients that help:

Calcium: Reduces bloating, water retention and muscular cramps; foods rich in calcium are milk and milk products. Non-dairy calcium sources are dark green leafy vegetables.

Fibre: help maintain regular bowel movement thus reduces bloating, fibre rich foods are fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains

Increased water/liquids intake: Reduces water retention and helps to reduce bloating. Can drink warm or cold liquids. Or eat foods with high water content, like cucumber, watermelon, berries, etc. can drink, soups, green tea with ginger or and turmeric, lukewarm water with lemon and mint. Do not drink too much tea or coffee or any other caffeinated drinks. Avoid alcohol and carbonated beverages.

Magnesium: This mineral has been shown to reduce cramps by relaxing the blood vessels, it is found in dark chocolate, whole grains, green leafy vegetables, whole grains and nuts esp. Almonds

Omega-3 fatty acids: Reduces inflammation and swelling, such as found in flax seeds, walnuts, chia seeds, sea foods, eggs, etc.  these foods also have vitamin B12 and vita D, especially, seafood. A combination of omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin B12 is considered better in reducing the inflammation. Vitamin D is helpful in the absorption of calcium, thus reduce muscle cramps.

Vitamin E:  Strong anti-oxidant, helps to reduce inflammation. Rich sources are sunflower seeds, whole wheat, almonds especially soaked, peanuts. Peanuts are also good sources of magnesium.

Potassium: reduces bloating and water retention. Rich sources are banana, kiwi, most all fresh fruits especially citrus fruits, like oranges and lemon and fresh vegetable, such as green leafy vegetables,  tomatoes; coconut water,.


  1. Fast foods and fried foods: as these take more time to digest, may cause irritation and bloating. They tighten up the intestinal muscles and increase cramps.
  2. Milk if you have lactose intolerance, avoid plain milk, instead take curd or cottage cheese; as plan milk can increase bloating and pain.
  3. Tea and coffee: caffeinated beverages activate the nervous system, constrict the blood vessels, act as diuretics and tighten up the muscles, increasing cramps. Also cause dehydration increasing cramping of muscles.
  4. Too much salt: too much sodium in the salt causes imbalance of the electrolytes, especially potassium. The electrolyte balance is very important for the normal functioning of the muscles. Also, increased sodium leads to water retention. This leads to an increase in muscle cramps.
  5. Alcohol: Causes dehydration increasing cramping of muscles.



Herbs or Spices


How  it work?

Chamomile tea  2-3 cups of this tea per day a week before periods every month. Chamomile tea increases urinary levels of glycine. Source, which helps relieve muscle spasms. Glycine also acts as a nerve relaxant.
Fennel seeds Take 30 mg of fennel extract four times a day for three days, during periods Fennel seeds are high in fibre, reduce bloating and water retention. Thus, reducing cramps
Cinnamon Take small amounts of cinnamon daily during the periods Cinnamon is anti-inflammatory and relaxes the blood vessels, thereby reducing muscle cramps
Ginger Try grating a small piece of ginger into hot water for a warm cramp-relieving drink. Can add lemon and mint. Or even ginger green tea with honey and lemon Ginger has been shown to reduce inflammation and relive pain and is therefore helpful in relieving muscular cramps.


Some studies have also shown that, plant based, vegetarian diets are more helpful in reducing menstrual cramps, as these decrease inflammation. this due the high amounts of antioxidants and fibre in plant-based foods. So, including more of vegetables, fruits

Apart from all these an active life with a minimum of 30 minutes of regular aerobic exercises, proper sleep, stress management go a long way in relieving the pain and cramps caused during Menstruation.


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